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Preparing for the Next DC 8

Beth Ribblett

It's been awhile since the full DC has met for a dinner party. Having lost two of our members to a recent move out of the city, the arrival of a new baby to another couple, and the difficulty of finding available dates for 8 people with completely crazy schedules, it's been tough going for a few months! But we are back on track this week!

While the dinner parties themselves are always fabulous fun, I have to say that the days leading up to them are a bit stressful. It is quite a competitive and creative group so deciding what you can do to "wow" them takes some thought and time. And of course with our schedule of private and public events these last two weeks, we've been too tired to tap into our right-brains for exciting ideas.

First we have to come up with the dish itself, as everyone is assigned a course that rotates with each party. Then figuring out where, when and how shop for your ingredients is the next challenge. This week we are meeting on a Thursday, so I had to make sure I got to the Farmer's Market on Tuesday to get a few of the ingredients that I new I couldn't find anywhere else. Today I have to schedule a trip to Whole Foods and World Market. Why World Market you ask? Plating! Our challenge this week is "fantastic presentation" which means besides the stress of coming up with something that tastes fabulous, it has to look fabulous as well. I've found that World Market has a pretty good selection of inexpensive plates and dishes that look good too, so I'll be running over there to see what I can find. We also have to consider what kind of prep time and materials we need to bring with us as the final stages are done in a kitchen that is not your own.

And then there is the wine pairing which somehow has taken a back seat to efforts that go into creating the dish. Everyone is so focused on the food that the wine has become almost an afterthought. But with each couple having at least on person either in or having been in the wine business at some time, we're always drinking something good! And everyone is experienced enough in food and wine that the pairings are almost always good, but work to varying degrees!

Now, what are we going to cook? We will be preparing one of two appetizer courses so I've been skimming the internet and my cookbooks to be inspired by something that wouldn't take too much time to create. Pulling out one of my favorite books, CIA's The Professional Chef, I was looking for some ideas on creating a savory flan. Having never done one, I was a little nervous about it and knowing there would be no time for a practice run. I've been anxious to do one ever since our dinner at a Mano where Chef Josh Smith did a delicious Porcini Mushroom Sformato. But, low and behold, on the cover of this massive book was a small photo of an appetizer that looked fabulous. Checking it out, I saw that the cooking was minimal, but the end result was beautiful, just what I was looking for!

It is sort of a deconstructed salad, which means I can keep the actual cooking to a minimum, a good thing considering I will only have a few hours tomorrow afternoon to throw this together. We figure out who will do what part of the dish, prep as much as we can in the afternoon and then load everything in the car so we can finish it up right before we present.

We always like to include fresh, local ingredients when possible, so I changed the recipe a bit to include some things I new I could find at the CC Farmers Market. The recipe called for mangoes so I subbed fresh Alabama peaches; instead of lobster I bought Gulf shrimp; local tomatoes for the garnish and some beautiful bibb lettuce to line the plate.

So hopefully you are curious by now as to what we did so here is the dish and the instructions. I'll show you step by step how and what we created and the end result. Now I have to admit that there are a lot of steps, but everything is pretty simple if you take your time and quite a few things can be prepared ahead.

Let's start by talking about the end result that I was attempting to achieve, a layered salad of beets, avocado, peaches, fresh goats cheese and shrimp with the fruit and veggies being cut by a circular mold so that they were the same size and stacked on top of one another with the shrimp crowning the top.

Plating and Molding: We opted to buy some of the rectangular plates from World Market that we use for our cheese presentations at the shop. The shape meant we would have to add some extra elements to the dish, but we both like the clean look that complemented the simplicity of the food. I was also able to get the circular mold there, basically a metal cookie cutter. Knowing the diameter of the peaches would be fairly small, I was lucky to find a set of them in all different sizes, one would be the right fit!

A Snafu: Not in the original recipe, but that I thought would be a nice touch, was to add a layer of goats cheese. My plan was to season it with lemon zest, salt and pepper; roll it into a log, freeze it and then cut the circles while still frozen. Well that didn't work! The cheese crumbled when I tried to cut it and I couldn't get a clean circle which was essential to the presentation. So, still wanting the flavor and the texture of the cheese, I resorted to little goat cheese balls that would be part of the garnish. This can be done the day before:

-3 oz fresh goats cheese ( I used the creamy cypress grove goat discs from the shop)
-1/4 t. lemon zest -salt and pepper to taste
Mix all ingredients together in a bowl and refrigerate for an hour. Using about 1/2 teaspoon of the mixture, roll into a small ball in the palms of your hands. Put in a covered container in the frig until you are ready to plate. You will have extra to spread on fresh figs and drizzle with honey...yumm!

The Beets, Part I: I bought six large beets, knowing I had to get 8 circles of the correct diameter and figure I could get at least two from each and have extra in case I screwed anything up. You can either roast or steam your beets, but be careful not to overcook them as they will get too soft and be difficult to cut and handle.

-6 large beets (I ended up using 4 beets)
Heat the oven to 375°
F and arrange a rack in the middle. Rinse the beets and trim off any leafy tops. Wrap in aluminum foil and place in the oven. Roast until tender and easily pierced with a knife, about 1 hour. Remove from the oven and let cool.

The Shrimp: I bought 1/2 pound of fresh Gulf Shrimp and decided to prepare them ceviche style to enhance the citrus in the dressing and goat cheese. I knew that lying them on the top layer might be difficult so I sliced them in half lengthwise so that they would be easier to work with.

-1/2 pound peeled, headless, de-viened Gulf Shrimp
-2 each lemons and limes
Bring a pot of salted water to a boil and briefly cook the shrimp, one minute only! Rem
ove with a slotted spoon into a bowl with ice water to stop the cooking. Cool, drain and slice lengthwise. Put the shrimp bowl and squeeze equal parts lemon and lime juice over them until covered. Let sit in the frig for at least an hour.

The Dressing: Ok so we don't usually make dressings at home, we just drizzle balsamic vinegar or lemon juice and top with roughly 3x the amount of olive oil. But I decided to follow the recipe's white wine vinaigrette and see if we liked it. The problem was that the amounts were in ml and made like a gallon (maybe not quite that much...) of dressing so I had to cut everything down. We did end up liking it though, so it was worth the trouble.

-25 ml lime juice
-15 ml lemon juice
-60 ml chardonnay
-1 medium shallot, minced
-200 ml extra virgin olive oil
-2 T minced chives
-salt and pepper to taste
Combine lime, lemon juice, chardonnay and shallot and whisk in olive oil gradually. Add the chives and season to taste. Be sure to mix well before you use it.

Assembling the "Salad": The above items can all be prepped ahead of time, but you don't want to start with the next steps until just before serving as the avocado and peaches may begin to brown. You should start these steps about 30 minutes before serving time.

The Lettuce: You can use any type of lettuce leaves (except Iceberg) as long as the stems allow them to lie fairly flat on the plate. I used bibb lettuce that I bought at the farmers market and cut out the bottom part of the stem.

-16 medium sized lettuce leaves Wash and pat dry. Arrange on 2 leaves on each plate opposite each other with the stem sides touching.

The Garnish: Take 8 grape or cherry tomatoes, cut in half and de-seed. Slice into super tiny little slices and the mince. Put in a bowl, season with a bit of salt. You won't need this again until the very end.

The Beets, Part II: When completely cool, slice of the ends and then cut an even 1/2" wide slice. Using the appropriate diameter metal cutter, put it in the center of slice and cut downward to get your perfect beet disc. Cut as many 1/2" discs from each beet as you can that will be large enough to use the cutter (2-4, depending on the size of the beet). Place the disc in the center of the plate on top of the lettuce leaves. Brush the top of the slice with a little of the dressing, but be careful not to drip it down the sides.

The Avocado: The trick with the avocados is to find ones that are firm but ripe. If I was careful, I could get 2-3 cuts from each one, but again, I bought extra for backup.

-5 medium sized, firm avocados
Cut of the end at a point that will
be wide enough for the cutter, you don't need to peel them. Using the appropriate diameter metal cutter, put it in the center of slice and cut downward to get your perfect avocado disc. Cut as many 1/2" discs from each avocado as you can that will be large enough to use the cutter (2-3, depending on the size of the avocado). Place the disc in the center of the plate on top of the beet disc. Brush the top of the slice with a little of the dressing, but be careful not to drip it down the sides.

The Peaches: Again you are looking for fairly large, ripe but firm peaches. The local peaches gave me 2 slices per fruit.

-5 medium sized firm peaches
Cut of the end at a point that will be wide enough for the cutter, you don't need to peel them. Using the appropriate diameter metal cutte
r, put it in the center of slice and cut downward to get your perfect peach disc. Cut as many 1/2" discs from each peach as you can that will be large enough to use the cutter (2-3, depending on the size of the peach). Place the disc in the center of the plate on top of the avocado disc. Brush the top of the slice with a little of the dressing, but be careful not to drip it down the sides.

The Shrimp, Part II: Take your shrimp out of the frig, drain juice and pat dry before assembling. Using 2 slices per dish, arrange on top of the peaches in a circle, there should be sort of a hole in the middle to place the goat cheese balls. Brush the top of the slice with a little of the dressing, but be careful not to drip it down the sides.

The Goat Cheese Balls, Part II: Remove your goat cheese balls from the frig and taking some of your left over chives, carefully insert a few into the top of each ball. Place the balls on top of the shrimp.

Final touches: Spoon a small amount, about 1/2 teaspoon of the tomato mixture in 2 places on the the plate.

Wine Pairing: While Sauvignon Blanc would have worked well with most of the ingredients in the dish, how boring would that have been? So we opted for (surprise, surprise), an Italian white with a similar flavor profile, but with more interesting components. The Rocca del Principe Fiano di Avellino was absolutely perfect with the dish, picking up the citrus notes in the dish and complementing the food with it's acidity and minerality

The Last Word: So we invited everyone into the kitchen and had the dishes placed on the table when they came in. Cutting into it was a bit difficult, mine sort of toppled over onto the plate, but once you bit into the different flavors and textures, everything really worked. I have to admit, for a last minute decision and no practice run, it was a "fabulous presentation", excellent wine pairing and it tasted pretty damn good too!

Wine of the Moment, 2007 Antigal Uno Malbec

Beth Ribblett

I have to admit that the first thing that you notice about the Antigal Uno Malbec is the packaging. These guys have put some serious effort into catching your eye with the metal "1" on the front of the bottle, sleek shape and coppery graphics. But the great thing about it is that the juice that's inside matches the quality of the packaging and you and your friends will be very impressed by both!

The Antigal Winery is located in Mendoza, more specifically in the famed Uco Valley of Tupungato. The Malbec grapes for the UNO come from their vineyards that sit at an elevation of 2000 feet above sea level where they have everything they need to produce perfect grapes. The calcarious soils in the foothills of the Andes combined with very hot days with very cool nights, gives the grapes the ability to ripen slowly with a high concentration of flavors and aromas.

Made with high quality, hand picked, estate grown fruit, the Antigal Uno is aged 8 months in a combination of French and American oak. Luscious black and red berry fruit is brightened by natural acidity and supported by firm but ripe tannins. The silky palate has tobacco, cocoa and vanilla-spice notes with a decent finish. I haven't found anything in this price point that can beat it, but I'm open to suggestions!


Italy, A Refreshing Respite from Dull, Oak Laden Whites

Beth Ribblett

I've never been shy about expressing my love for Italian wine. And while many are jumping on the Italian bandwagon because it's hot and popular, it's not just a fad for me, it is my passion and the reason I am in this business. To me, it is by far the most exciting area of the world in terms of diversity and quality and that is evident when you visit to the shop as the number of Italian wines lining the shelves far outweigh any other country or region. In fact if I thought it would work here in New Orleans, there would be nothing but Italian wine on the shelves!

One of the great things about Italian wines is that I never get bored. According to Attilio Scienza, a well-known professor of enology at the University of Milan, there are more than 800 distinct grape varieties to be found in Italy. So our job here at Swirl is to educate our inquisitive customers on the diversity and beauty of Italian wine. And if you allow yourself to go there, it opens you to a whole new world of wine and food experiences that to me is unparalleled by any other place on earth.

That being said, there are 4 new white wines in the shop this week that have me really excited! All retail for less than $16, are delicious with or without food, and really show the diversity that Italy has to offer. Buy a bottle of each and get a 10% discount!

So if you are looking for a refreshing respite from dull, oak laden white wines, bring your sense of adventure into the shop this week and try one of these amazing Italian wines, I promise you won't be disappointed!

2008 Nicodemi Trebbiano D'Abruzzo (Abruzzo) - Pretty jasmine and citrus on the nose with the distinct stony minerality on the palate that is typical of the good wines from the region. Zesty spices, herbs, little black pepper, and balanced acidity make this a fabulous food wine and a sophisticated daily drinker at $14.99! 2 glasses by Gambero Rosso

2009 Vinosia Malvasia Salento (Campania) - Aromas of golden apples, pineapple and a touch of honey. Medium-bodied with good concentration. Nice freshness, lively acidity and a clean, round finish. Made from a blend of three different strains of the Malvasia variety in steal at $12.99!

2009 Tasca D'Almerita Regaleali Bianco (Sicilia)- Although this wine has been a staple on our shelves, the newly acquired 2009 vintage is exceptional! Vibrant notes of peach, pear and citrus, Regaleali Bianco is dry and crisp with excellent structure and a deliciously fruity finish. Clean and refreshing, it is a blend of three Sicilian grapes, Inzolia, Catarratto and Grecanico and just screams SICILIA! $15.50

2009 Palazzone Dubini Bianco (Umbria)- This wine combines the best attributes of Orvieto with the modern thirst for truly dry white wine. Scents of acacia, apricot, and dried honey emanate from the glass and the palate offers a fresh, crisp, and slightly fruity blend of Procanico and Grechetto. “Unquestionably the number one small estate of Orvieto -Stephen Tanzer’s International Wine Cellar. $13.99

The Latest on the Sicilian Fig "Tree"

Beth Ribblett

For those of you who have been following the progress of the little cutting from the Sicilian fig tree that returned with me after our last trip, I think it is now safe to call it a little tree instead of a cutting! It is about 2.5 feet high and has been thriving this summer with the leaf stems sprouting secondary growth and becoming small branches.

So here's where we started and where we are now. Pretty amazing, huh?

And in case you missed the original post from November....

For the Love of Figs,
November 14, 2009

I've been wanting to plant a fig tree for a while now. We were at our friend Kaysey's house in Covington last year and picked fresh figs from a tree right off of her balcony one morning for breakfast. Drizzled with a little honey and spread with fresh goats cheese, they are to die for! So I start looking online, trying to figure out what kind of fig tree I wanted and where I would get it. Should I order one? Should I just find one locally? Could I grow one from a cutting?? For the last year I've been contemplating planting a fig tree but somehow it never seemed to happen.

Sometime before we went to Sicily I was again looking at growing from a cutting. I found out it was relatively easy, but how would I decide where I wanted to do a cutting from? The right answer didn't come, until we were in Sicily...

On a windy Sunday afternoon in Sambuca di Sicilia, we were walking the beautiful grounds of Planeta's Ulmo winery with Chiara Planeta. Having just finished an amazing tasting of way too many of their wines, we were heading into the dining area of the 16th century farmhouse for lunch, when I noticed a beautiful fig tree on their property. After more wine and a delicious lunch of local foods, I asked Chiara if I could possibly have a cutting from their fig tree. She said of course and cut off a small piece about 6-8" long. As delighted as I was to have it, I now just had to figure out what to do with it!!

So, I put the cutting in my purse and tried to recall what I had read about propagating fig trees from cuttings. When we got to our next lodging spot, Mandranova, I was so enthralled with the place that I had forgotten about my cutting. Four days later at our last agriturismo, I found it and decided to put it in a glass of water. Our next stop was Roma for a few days and then home so I wrapped the bottom in a paper towel soaked with water and then put it in a plastic bag. I was a little nervous about getting it through customs, but it made it into the states and into our kitchen.

Well we came back with way too many things to do, so I just stuck it in water again until I had time to do something with it. Another week went by, it was now more than 2 weeks since Chiara had cut it for me, when I found a post about propagating fig trees at By this time is was starting to get brown and I really didn't have much hope for it, but I figured what the hell, it couldn't hurt to try. Here are the instructions that I followed:

Step 1
Cut stems for rooting in late winter. Cut 1-year-old stems growing in the center of the tree. Make the stems between 6 and 8 inches long and approximately as thick as a finger. I kind of got this right, but we did not take it from the center of the tree and it wasn't late winter...

Step 2
Line the bottom of the plastic container with newspaper and place 2 to 3 inches of potting soil into the bottom. Place as many as four cuttings in one plastic container, standing them so that the cut ends are in the soil. Add more potting soil to fill the container--you should see just the tips of the cuttings.

Step 3
Water the soil and place the container in a location where there is bright sun, but not direct light. Keep the temperature at 70 degrees F or higher. My office at home seems to be working well. It has lots of windows and gets light from the east and south.

Step 4
Cut off the bottom of a plastic bottle--a soft-drink bottle works well--and place the bottle over the container. Keep the cap on the bottle. I used an orange juice container that Ron had left in the frig during his house/dog sitting stay.

Step 5
Water the cuttings only when the soil dries out completely. Lift the container and if it feels light, place it in a shallow pan filled with water. Allow the soil in the container to soak up water from the pan. Remove the container when the soil is moist again. I have not had to do this yet, probably in a few days.

Step 6
When new shoots and leaves extend from the cuttings, remove the bottle cap. If the cuttings continue to grow after several days, remove the bottle. If they wilt, replace the bottle and try again in a few days. If they thrive, it is time to transplant the cuttings. This where I am now, I just removed the cap, take a look at my photo!! I am amazed that this thing is actually growing after what I've put it through...

So, I'll keep you posted as to how the rest of this goes, but so far so good! Keep your figures crossed and hopefully one day I can be giving some of you cuttings from my Planeta fig tree from Sicilia!!

Thanks Chiara!

Eat Fresh! Support Local Fishermen and Farmers

Beth Ribblett

Our trips to the local Crescent City Farmers Market, K-Jeans seafood and our own garden the past few weekends have netted in some really memorable meals. Nothing fancy, but it is amazing how good, simply prepared, ultra fresh ingredients can make for a really flavorful meal.

For example, yesterday we picked up those beautiful baby zucchini, lots of ripe red tomatoes, butter beans, freshly made cheese and milk at the CCFM, and then some gorgeous tilapia fillets at K-Jeans. We've got more cucumbers and basil coming from our garden that you can imagine, so we had lots of options for dinner!

I started with the zucchini: sliced them in half and salt and peppered them; heated a good amount of oil in a large skillet with some peperoncino and fried until lightly browned. The baby ones pack a ton of flavor, so I didn't need to add anything else!

I couldn't wait to eat those tomatoes so I chopped them and a few of our cucumbers in chunks, added a small amount of sliced onion, with a little fresh basil and oregano from the garden. Dressed simply in 1 part balsamic vinegar to 3 parts evoo, the tomatoes were deliciously sweet and the crunchy fresh cucumbers added the perfect texture.

Next I made the pesto. Kerry planted tons of basil this year and fresh pesto is a staple that we just love in the summer. I took 2 packed cups of basil, a clove of garlic, a pinch of sea salt, 3/4 cup of mainly freshly grated Parmesan cheese with a little Pecorino and 3 T. of pine nuts and threw it in the cuisinart. Pulsed until finely chopped and then slowly added in 1 cup of evoo and pulsed until oil and herb mixture are well blended. This made about 2 cups of pesto. Added freshly cooked pasta and topped with a little more cheese.

Kerry took care of the fish. She made a little lemon butter sauce with 1/2 stick melted butter whisked with 4 t. freshly squeezed lemon juice and a pinch each of cayenne pepper, salt and black pepper. She salt and peppered the fillets and dredged them in a little flour. Reheating the oil left from the zucchini fried them over med-high heat until just lightly browned. Sorry, I got to hungry to take any more pictures...

We packed our plates with veggies and pasta, added the fish with the lemon butter sauce spooned on top, and settled down to watch the first day of the Tour de France, our absolute favorite sporting event of the year! We drank a great little Italian white wine, the Vinosia Malvasia, cheered Lance on as we cleaned our plates and commented on how lucky we are to eat such great food. Everything was simple, fresh, local and delicious and we finished it all off with one of my freshly baked Biscotti Amaretti.

A great performance by Lance, and superb meal, what a perfect Saturday night!

A Sweet Sunday Respite

Beth Ribblett

Most Sundays start with a long bike ride. Usually by noon, we've ridden 40-50 miles, eaten a big burger washed down with a few beers and are ready for a nap. But Sundays are also the day that I finish up all of my blog posts for the week, so an afternoon cup of coffee or tea are usually on the menu too. Having ridden exceptionally hard today, I treated myself to one of the Biscotti Amaretti that I made yesterday as well.

I've been on a mission with these nutty flourless Italian cookies since I first had one when we were in Chicago early in the year. Finding a recipe for something similar, I made the pistachio version a few months ago, but I felt like the texture was just not right, a little to gooey. Recently I found this recipe, using almonds, in a new cookbook I bought by Maria Filice called
"Breaking Bread in L'Aquila" , and it is absolutely perfect! The cookies are satisfyingly dense, chewy and nutty, and one is all you need for your afternoon coffee.

The book itself is a beautiful tribute to the style of cooking from the small town of L'Aquila in the Abruzzo region of Italy, where the author spent much time visiting her late husband's family. You may remember that this area was devastated in 2009 by a terrible earthquake. Upon a recent visit after the disaster, Maria reports:

"When I was leaving L'Aquila on my short visit in September 2009, in the lobby sitting next to me was an older woman, relocated there from her crumbled home in the city. We made eye contact. I smiled, and she asked me what I was doing in L'Aquila. I told her that I was finishing my book and that I had wished to see L'Aquila once more before I could put closure on my book's introduction. She looked at me and gripping my hand, said, "Don't forget about us." I was moved. This deepened my resolve to complete the book, and release it on April 6th 2010–the anniversary of the earthquake–as a reminder to readers of the Abruzzo region's suffering. I promised the elderly lady that I would help by donating the net profits of my book to L'Aquila."

I've posted the recipe below, and click here if you'd like to check out the book. It is cleverly organized by days of the week and each day features seven courses of an Italian meal starting with the antipasti and finishing with the dolci. Simple recipes, with easy to find ingredients and for a good cause, I'm happy to have it in my collection!

Biscotti Amaretti
from Maria Filice's "Breaking Bread in L'Aquila"

Makes about 3 dozen cookies

  • 3 cups whole almonds with skins, plus an additional 36 whole almonds
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 teaspoon almond extract
  • 2 cups of confectioner's sugar, spread on a large sheet of wax paper for rolling
  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  • Lightly grease three baking sheets with vegetable spray or line with parchment paper.
  • Using a food processor, pulse the 3 cups of almonds until they are finely ground. In a separate bowl, beat eggs, sugar, and almond extract. Add the ground nuts and gently fold them together until you have a moist mixture that you can form into balls.
  • Using a teaspoon or your fingers, scoop up the batter and form balls, and then roll them in the confectioner's sugar. Place the balls at least an inch apart on the greased baking sheet. Prior to baking, press one whole almond into each ball.
  • Bake for about 15 minutes or until the cookies are golden in color and firm to the touch.
  • Let them cool before removing them from the baking sheets.
Make a good cup of coffee or espresso, put your feet up and enjoy!

Our Day Began with the Perfect Cup of "Joe"...

Beth Ribblett

We started our first full day in New York at Joe's on Waverly and let me tell you they don't call it the "art of coffee" for nothing! These are real baristi, not kids who don't even know what a good cup of coffee is, let alone how to make one! Our macchiati were perfection in a cup, deliciously smooth and creamy without even a trace of bitterness. We were off to a good start!

From there we ran off to MOMA to catch the last day of the Pictures by Women, A History of Modern Photography which was an absolutely stunning show that charts the medium's history from the dawn of modern period to the present. It was really wonderful to see the show with Lisa, a professional photographer and understand some of the influences and inspiration behind her work. We really wished we had more time to see some of the other exhibits, but the food show awaits!

The show was overwhelming with over 2500 vendors and probably at least half of those represented Italian products. Needless to say that made us very happy! But the highlight of the day was meeting our culinary idol, Lidia Bastianich, at her booth where she and her daughter were cooking up some of Lidia's new pastas and sauces. A gracious hostess, it was really nice to see her working her own booth and talking about her products. We walked the show for hours and barely saw half so were going back today to check out the rest. I'll write more about the show in my next post...

Now back to eating...we asked Kerry's friend Kim Severson, one of the food critics for the NY Times, were to go for the best Napoletana style pizza and she sent us Motorino in the east village. Cool little space with small marble tables and a small but good wine list, we ordered the Sopresatta Picante, a very spicy, aromatic pie with garlic, oregano, red sauce, lots of pepperoncino and of course, sopresatta. I ordered a Rosso Piceno from Boccadigabbia, a 50/50 blend of sangiovese and montepulciano, simple, but perfect accompaniment to the pizza. The pie, and that great little fresh green salad, was delicious and my only regret being that we didn't order another, but I had to save room for dessert....

Lisa had missed the pizza so we walked down to meet her at 3 of cups, another great little Italian themed restaurant on 1st avenue. We sat at the bar and had a cocktail while Lisa ordered the Spaghetti Fresca, a nice room temp pasta dish with fresh tomatoes, basil, capers, olive oil and ricotta salata. Very cool place, loads of atmosphere, good food and great background music, we'd like to visit again...

Ready to go back to Carmine Street and put our feet up after a very long day, I opted to pick up my dessert at Rocco's Pasticceria, just down the block from the apartment. A traditional Italian bakery and coffee bar, it is touted the home of the best cannoli in NYC, I had to see how it compared to Brocato's. A really creamy, not too sweet, ricotta filling with a thin crunchy shell and dipped in chunky pistaccios, I have to admit, it was divine! Sorry Brocato's, but this was amazing!

Time to go to bed and get rested for another day! More later..... Align Center

New Shoes, Different City

Beth Ribblett

One of my favorite things about traveling is taking off on a run, early in the morning and seeing a city on foot. Knowing this would be on my agenda on our trip to New York, I finally broke down a bought a new pair of running shoes, something I've been procrastinating about for months now. So at 6:25 this morning, I laced up my new shoes and took off down Bleecker Street towards the river. It's been 16 years since I've run in New York and I was really looking forward to a little less humidity and a different scene. I didn't have a plan except to check out the area along the Hudson and see where the morning would take me.

When I got to the river, I decided to go left and head toward the southern tip of the island. I hadn't been to the World Trade Center site since years before 9/11 and wanted to see what was happening. It is sobering to see the big gaping hole first had, such a large open space in the middle of Manhattan's sky line. It made me start thinking about the parallels between our two cities with their mighty rivers, both, in some way, wrecked by made man disasters caused by the failure of our government to protect it's people.

It's been almost 9 years since 9/11, nearly 5 since Katrina and a mere couple of months since the Deep Water Horizon explosion and with all of the other disasters, both natural and man made, happening in the world today, one might wonder if the Mayan calendar is right on track...

Coffee Talk on Carmine Street

Beth Ribblett

Our trip to NYC begins with a great cup of coffee with Lisa in her little apartment in the west village. We're in town for a gourmet food show and a photography exhibit at NOMA. But, I'm sure there will be lots of great food, wine and fun while we're here, so we'll keep you posted!

A "Super" Tuscan Red Under $20

Beth Ribblett

Why, you ask, in the middle of a hot 95+ degree summer in New Orleans, am I writing about red wine? Because I love it when I find something so good that I don't care how hot it is outside and Italian reds are truly my favorite to drink anytime of year! And when one of my favorite Tuscan estates produces a wine of this quality at this price, how can I not write about it?

The 2007 Brancaia Tre, a Super Tuscan blend, 93 pts, #10 in the Wine Spectator Top 100, is from a phenomenal producer with vineyards in both the Chianti Classico zone and the Maremma in the southwest part of the region. Even though they tend toward a more "new world" style, no matter who reviews these wines, from Gambero Rosso to Robert Parker, Stephen Tanzer or Wine Spectator, the reports are stellar from the entry level wine "Tre" to their flagship "Il Blu". While they do produce a Chianti Classico, their main focus is on Super Tuscans. They produce three Sangiovese based blends, the Tre, Ilatraia and the Il Blu, with the scores for 2007's being the highest yet for each.

And that is of no surprise, considering that the renowned Carlo Ferrini is the consulting winemaker for the estate that has been owned by the Swiss couple Brigitte and Bruno Widmer since 1981. Ferrini consults for 13 estates, some of the most highly regarded in Italy, and has been named Winemaker of the year by Gambero Rosso in 2000 and by the Associazione Italiana Sommelier's in 2003. Combine that with the Widmer's dedication to quality and you have a spectacular lineup from start to finish.

While their wines are all quite pricey, the "Tre" offers incredible value for the money. Mainly Sangiovese, blended with Cabernet and Merlot, the fruit for this wine come from their estates in Chianti and the Maremma. It is aged for 12 months in a blend of new and used French oak which helps maintain the fresh, young quality of the wine. A very accessible wine of red and black fruits with balanced acidity and soft velvety tannins and a rich, spicy finish make this a great wine for those wanting to take the leap into Italy. Try it with Tagliatelle al Ragu, you'll be in heaven...

Wine Spectator, October 2009 Issue, 93 pts: There's wonderful intensity of fruit in this wine, with crushed raspberry and blackberry and hints of coffee and fresh flowers. Full-bodied, with velvety tannins and a long, soft-textured finish that shows loads of fruit. Sangiovese, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon. Best after 2010.

$18.99, limited supply, maximum 4 bottles/person

Thai Green Eggplant and Chicken Curry

Beth Ribblett

Our trip to the Hong Kong Market yielded these beautiful Thai green eggplants that inspired me to make a very green dish using ingredients we picked up at the market. A little bigger than a golf ball, these eggplants pack a lot of flavor and texture and were a great substitute for our large purple variety.

One of the reasons we went to the market was to get more of the Thai Curry Paste that we love to cook with. Unlike Indian curry powder, aromatic Thai curry paste combines dry spices with "wet", or fresh, ingredients like chili peppers, fish sauce, shrimp paste, herbs, garlic, shallots and lemongrass. Mixed with a bit of coconut milk, it's an almost-instant sauce base, making it a fast, convenient way to cook up a really flavorful dish.

Curry paste is classified by color, ranging from deep red to yellow-orange to deep green, and often by the type of food with which it's traditionally used. The two most common are the green and red pastes. Red curry paste tends to be medium-hot, the most versatile, and used with chicken, duck, beef, pork, shrimp and fish, and noodle curries. Green curry paste, the hottest, is most commonly used in coconut sauces with beef, pork or chicken. Kerry is quite fond of the Maesri brand and it is pictured below with the ingredients of the dish. This is so simple and so good, you won't believe it! The hard part is driving to the West Bank for the ingredients, but it is well worth the trip. Be warned this is fairly spicy, but that's how we like it!

  • 2.5-3 tablespoons green curry paste
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1 can coconut milk
  • 1 lb. boneless chicken breast, sliced into thin pieces
  • 8-10 kaffir lime leaves, shredded
  • 1 sprig fresh Thai basil leaves
  • 2 tablespoon fish sauce
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 8 ounces Thai eggplant (small round eggplants)
  • 3 Thai or Serrano peppers, seeded and ribs removed, cut into thin long slice
* In a large saucepan over high heat, fry the curry paste in the coconut oil until fragrant, about 30 seconds.
* Reduce the heat to medium and add the coconut milk slowly, and continue to stir while cooking until a thin film of oil appears on the surface.
* Add the chicken and other ingredients except the eggplant. Bring to a boil and cook until the chicken begins to change color.
* Adjust the flavors to suit yourself. When it is at a boil again add the eggplant and continue to stir until the chicken is cooked through and eggplant are tender. They will turn a bit brownish from the heat, but that is normal.
* Serve with sticky rice or jasmine rice

Sauteed Bok Choy Salad

Beth Ribblett

I never knew bok choy came in so many different shapes, sizes and colors until I started shopping at the Hong Kong Food Market on the West Bank. We picked up lots of green things on our last visit and made a delicious Thai Green Eggplant and Chicken Curry as well as this Sauteed Bok Choy Salad.


* 1 pound bok choy
* 1 tablespoon coconut oil
* 1 tablespoon sesame oil
* 1/4 cup water
* 1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger root
* 2 cloves garlic, minced
* 1 tablespoon fish sauce
* 1 tablespoon light soy sauce
* 1 tablespoon brown sugar
* 1/8 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes (optional)


1. Trim off the ends of the bok choy and chop, keeping the white parts separate from the green as they will need to cook longer. Rinse and spin or pat dry. Set aside.
2. In a medium sized bowl, stir together the water, ginger, garlic, fish sauce, soy sauce, brown sugar and red pepper flakes. Set this aside.
3. Heat the two oils in a large skillet or wok over medium-high heat. Add the bok choy stems first; stir fry for a few minutes or until the pieces start to turn a pale green. When stems are almost cooked, add the leaves; cook and stir until leaves are wilted, 1 to 2 minutes. Remove from the heat and transfer the bok choy to a serving dish. Pour the sauce into the skillet or wok, and set over medium-high heat. Cook, stirring constantly, until sauce has thickened slightly, about 3 minutes. Pour over the bok choy and toss lightly to coat.

A Visit to the Other Side of the World, the Hong Kong Food Market

Beth Ribblett

I took some time off on Wednesday for Kerry and I to take a trip to the other side of the world, the West Bank, and pick up some supplies at the Hong Kong Food Market. If you’ve never been and you like to cook Asian food, or are just interested in the culture, it is definitely worth the trip. Because it’s not just a market, but basically an Asian themed strip mall with a restaurant, bookstore, tea shop, salon, and many other mainly Vietnamese owned businesses.

We both love Vietnamese food so came hungry knowing we could grab a little lunch at Pho Dahn 4, House of Noodle located right next to the market.
While a bit utilitarian in atmosphere, the food is fresh, light with a very inexpensively priced noodle dish based menu. We split an order of their delicious spring rolls, fat with lots of crisp lettuce, noodles, pork and perfectly steamed shrimp followed by noodle soups served with the traditional side plate of fresh bean sprouts, lettuce, basil and jalapeno peppers. I got the Pho Ga, a simple chicken and rice noodle dish with onions and herbs in a light broth. A perfectly healthy start to our shopping excursion!

As you enter the market, there are aisles and aisles of dried and preserved goods, lots of sauces and flavorings, more types of dried seaweed than you can imagine exist, every flavor and brand of Ramen, an Asian cookware section, frozen goods, a bakery and more.Thai, Indian, Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Japanese products await as we walk down each one just to be certain we don’t miss anything! The main reason we are there is for some of the Thai curry pastes we love so much, but we can’t help but check out the fresh fish, smoked meats and all of the other goodies lining the shelves.

The produce section is what I get most excited about, loaded with more types of bok choy than I knew existed, lots of exotic vegetables and fruits, herbs, and a section of locally grown items as well. The beautiful thai green eggplants, caught my eye and I knew I needed to design an dish around them, and I just had to have some of that delicious looking bok choy!

We left loaded with things we would never find at our local grocery stores and excited about cooking something different for dinner. Check out what we came up, Thai Green Eggplant and Chicken Curry and Sauteed Bok Choy Salad. And the next time you find yourself on the West Bank with a little spare time, be adventurous and take yourself to the Hong Kong Food Market. Hopefully you'll be as inspired as we were!

Hong Kong Food Market

925 Behrman Highway
Gretna, LA 70056-4569

(504) 394-7075

Tagliatelle al Ragu

Beth Ribblett

One of the food blogs that I am particularly fond of is Aglio, Olio e Peperoncino written by a woman named Eleonora who lives in Rome. She did a wonderful post last year about how in Italy Sundays mean "family", and of course family means food which is similar to how I grew up with my mother always taking the time to cook a delicious Sunday dinner for all of us and inviting extended family to share the meal as well.

Eleonora describes her Sunday ritual and her mother's signature dish that for her is a weekly display of love. I've been wanting to make this ever since I read her post, but for some reason never got around to it, until this Sunday. Because for Kerry and me, Sunday means "home" as it is the only day that we don't go to the shop or spend too much time working. We go for a bike ride, Kerry works in the garden, I work on my blog and we cook a delicious meal. So this Sunday I decided it was finally time to make Eleonora's mother's classic Sunday dish, Tagilatelle al Ragu. It is still simmering away on the stove (see photo below), but I wanted to be sure to get the post done before we sat down to eat because it is divine! I'm including her full post as it is a wonderful look into the Italian way of life brought back memories of my own childhood in my mother's kitchen.

From Aglio, Olio e Peperoncino
March 22, 2009
Sundays spent satiating

"Sundays in Italy mean family. They speak of tradition, repose and morning Mass. Sundays gather the family around the table for communal weekly updates, sports events (mainly soccer) and convivial merry. As my son and I skip down the flights of stairs of our apartment building on our way out, we walk past Signora Rosetta’s door, inebriated by the smell of tomato sauce simmering on her stove. That divine perfume then wafts over and mingles with our downstairs neighbor Gina’s veal cutlets. And so forth, in a Babylon of aromas all the way down, all good, all Sunday-like.

Every Sunday lunch, my little boy E. and I go to my mother’s house, which is a 5-minute walk from our home. Wearing a nice blouse or a new pair of trousers, to honor our host, we head out. Mamma likes that kind of stuff, she also loves it when E.’s hair is combed with a tidy part on the side. A rare image, E. defines tousled. We breathe in the morning air and take a nice stroll to our favorite cafe, buy the paper, chat with people from our neighborhood. A Sunday ritual. We may go to Mass if we feel inspired, otherwise we head straight for the pasticceria (pastry shop) and pick up a tray of assorted bigné, cannoli, sfogliatelle, éclairs etc. sold by weight and wrapped in gift paper, tied with curly ribbons.

We always arrive early, at my mother’s house. That too is part of a Sunday habit. All members of the family each chip in with the housework, helping in the kitchen, airing out the bedrooms, watering the flowers on the terrace. Every time I walk in the house where I have been raised, I am immediately overcome with a warm, reassuring feeling. Back to the womb. The aroma of my mother’s cooking returns me to all my childhood memories. The incidental music of the TV broadcasting the usual Sunday shows, the smell of fresh flowers. My mother’s books, her dust, her Persian rugs. The chandeliers, the framed black and white photographs, the Steinway grand piano. It’s all there, unchanged, thank God.
And then that which she is most proud of: la tavola, her table. It is a festive occasion, and she honors it beautifully by setting an impeccable table. She always prouds in laying a crisp embroidered linen tablecloth, ironed to perfection. China plates, double glasses – for both wine and water – shiny silverware and matching fabric napkins. Mamma cooks for two days in preparation for her family feast, and she prouds in displaying her efforts. The beverages are always served in glass (and not the bulky plastic) bottles. The wine is always chosen wisely to pair the food, and there’s always an extra dessert, usually homemade.

My mother makes it a point to pick the best ingredients, priding herself in finding seasonal variations, local and organic staples. She cooks it lovingly, employing all her generosity, and enjoying the creative process. She provides for us, not merely nourishment and great tasting foods, but an on-going, weekly display of love.

For this year’s edition of 5 Minutes for Mom’s Ultimate Blog Party – my first – I will share with all participating home cooks, mothers, and daughters of great ladies before them, my mamma’s signature Sunday dish, the one she is most fond of. It his her pièce de résistance; whenever she prizes us by making it, it is in fact a party. I have watched her make homey dishes like these countless times, as I grew into the mother I am today, and never once has she or her fabulous fares disappointed me.

The authentic Italian Sunday lunch tradition lives on in my mother’s hallmark Tagliatelle al Ragù. Pull up a chair and let's eat. This recipe is a classic. It results in the creation of an intensely flavorful, rich meat sauce to serve over home made tagliatelle, and dusted with lavish amounts of grated Parmigiano Reggiano. My mother starts preparing it early in the morning and allows it to simmer, very, very slowly for many hours, at least three and ideally four.
* 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

* 2 tbsp unsalted butter

* 1 large carrot, finely diced

* 1 small onion, cut into same size dice as carrot

* celery stalks, cut up into same size dice as carrot and onion and in the same amount
* 650gr (1 1/2 lbs) ground beef and veal total (small variations from this weight are not significant)

* 200ml (1 cup) whole milk

* 200ml (1 cup) dry, white wine

* 1 kg (28-oz can) whole or crushed tomatoes, San Marzano would be great

* A pinch of ground nutmeg

* 300gr (3/4 lb or 1 1/2 cups) tagliatelle. If you decide to make your own homemade pasta, the outcome will be a million times better. And those eating will feel even more loved by you.

* Salt to taste

* Lots of Parmigiano, grated

It all begins with an empty, heavy-bottomed, medium to large sized pot. If you have a Dutch oven, that is ideal. Place the oil and butter into the pot and bring to medium-high heat.
Add the diced battuto (carrot, onion and celery trinity) and stir to coat well, allowing vegs to soften for about 6 minutes. Hark! Do not brown the onion or celery, they need to simply wilt.

Next, add all the ground meat to the pot. Here is where the most work is involved. Using a large wooden spoon keep breaking up the meat into smaller and smaller pieces as it cooks. Do not brown it too much or dry out. Don’t let it sit in the hot shortening on the bottom of the pot and sear. Keep moving it around; it should just lose its color. Keep working on the meat and keep breaking it up into smaller and smaller pieces. It should also begin to smell wonderful.

When the meat has lost all its pink color and is reduced to minuscule bits, pour in the milk and turn up the heat and bring to a boil. Stir well and allow the milk to completely boil away. When that happens, you should only be able to see the olive oil and butter between the meat pieces and vegetables, and no more milk. This will take about 20 minutes.

Now add the white wine and evaporate it too.

Add the tomatoes. Empty the entire can into the pot and use a wooden spoon to break up the whole tomatoes into large chunks. Season with salt and nutmeg, stir well and turn down the heat to a very gentle simmer, only the occasional plip, plop! bubble should come to the surface. Do not cover. Allow the sauce to simmer slowly for 3 to 4 hours, stirring occasionally; and to fill the rooms of your soul with warmth, love and a terrific aroma.

If you're pressed for time, or making home made pasta feels too big a task right now, you can decide over dried or fresh commercially sold tagliatelle, the only requirement is they be rough-surfaced and quite thick (at least 3 mm, 1/8-inch).

When the sauce is almost ready, bring your salted gallon of water to a rolling boil. Cook the tagliatelle, then drain them al dente, saving some starchy cooking water. Return the pasta to the empty stewpot and add about a cup of meat sauce to the cooked tagliatelle and stir well. This only colors the strands lightly, but we’re not done yet. Serve the coated tagliatelle in individual soup bowls, spooning the divine Bolognese sauce over each and dusting with copious amounts of grated Parmigiano.

Mamma uncorked two bottles of Chianti today, and the first roaring toast was to the never-ending party she throws, come Sunday at lunch."

The Fig Report

Beth Ribblett

Quite a few of you have inquired about the status of my little Sicilian fig cutting so I guess it is time for an update! As you can see, it is thriving and doing well in it's new pot, and who knows maybe by the fall it will be ready to go in the ground! Keep your fingers crossed!

Savory Bites

Beth Ribblett

...offering tidbits of information on interesting discoveries in the food and wine scene of New Orleans.

Eating Like an Italian

Chef Joshua Smith at a Mano talking about the 1st course

Tre Bicchieri Dinner at a Mano - Chef Josh Smith nailed the pairings last week at our annual Italian wine dinner held this year at a Mano. Combined with Antonio's humorous and informative presentation of the amazing award winning wines, and the company of 50 very appreciative diners, I think it is safe to say that a great time was had by all! While I enjoyed each course, I have to say my favorite in terms of food and wine pairing was the fresh pasta with lamb ragu paired with the Feudo Maccari Saia Nero d’Avola from Sicilia. The staff at a Mano did an excellent job and we are all ready talking about what we want to do together next...and FYI my culinary idol, Lidia Bastianich, was in town last week for a book signing and decided that the place she had to go to for Italian food in New Orleans was a Mano...if you haven't been there yet, get there soon. I promise you'll be impressed!

Dining at Domenica - We were invited by friends to dinner Saturday night at Domenica which we hadn't been to since right after they opened, so we happily joined them. I'm not going to go into a big review here, but here's my take for what it's worth: What works: the food was excellent, from the roasted sardines (highly recommended by another Italian foodie and he was so right!) salads, to the grilled summer squash pizza (the best pizza we've had since Rome) pasta, and desserts (the gelato affogato, frittole and pana cotta), we were surprisingly impressed. And the prices are great with most items offered in small or large portions. What also works: no corkage fee!! We brought a selection of our favorites from the store and ordered cocktails and more wine from the extensive, well priced menu, which has some really nice selections at many different price points. What doesn't work? The noise level and just general atmosphere are not what I personally enjoy in a dining experience. And the service was super slow, as we waited more than an hour for our sardines while the rest of the table waited almost an hour and a half for their salads and the entrees took another 30 minutes after that! Maybe it was an off night, but people were getting pretty cranky....

Cheese Plates, Our Current Selection

Beth Ribblett

Wonderful with a glass of wine and to share with a friend or two, our cheese plates change often so that we can offer you something fresh, creative and delicious every time.

Current Selection
Ron's Pick

Delice de Bourgogne is a triple cream made with French cow's milk from the Burgundy region of France. This decadent cheese is rich and creamy with a buttery sweetness that melts in your mouth.

Balarina is a toffee colored goat gouda from the Netherlands that has a crunchy texture that is nutty and delicious with hints of browned butter and caramel.

Evora is a rindless Portuguese cheese made with raw merino sheep's milk and cardoon thistle. It is interestingly floral and fruity with a nice tanginess on the finish.

Verde Capra is a wonderful blending of soft, creamy blue cheese and slightly tangy, gamey goat milk from northern Italy. A version of a gorgonzola dolce, with a nice fruitiness and a little bite on the finish.

The cheeses are accompanied by prosciutto, freshly sliced bread or gourmet crackers, nuts, olives, and locally made fruit spreads. $12

A Salute to Excellence

Beth Ribblett

That handsome guy sporting his Saints black and gold is our very own Ron Dietrich at the National Restaurant Association Show in Chicago last month. While he was there hobnobbing and networking, he received a "Salute to Excellence" award that recognizes and celebrates the future leaders of the industry. Ron will be graduating this fall from the University of New Orleans with a Business degree in the Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism program where he also served as student president of the Louisiana Restaurant Association. We're really proud of him and his achievements so congratulate him next time you see him in the shop!

And besides helping me with the wine buying, managing the bar and all of the other demanding duties that come with being the only guy in the shop, Ron's new unofficial title is the "cheese guy" with his first responsibility being that of selecting and designing our new cheese plate. So, check out this month's "Ron's Pick" featuring 4 new cheeses with some great accoutrements!

Lola's Global Spanish Cuisine Cooking Demonstration with Chef Fernando Sanchez Gonzales

Beth Ribblett

Join us for a very special event on Wednesday, June 9th, as we pair up with Angel Miranda, Chef/Owner of Lola’s, while he opens his home for a demonstration of new, global Spanish cuisine cooking techniques by acclaimed Spanish Chef Fernando Sanchez Gonzales assisted by Angel. Chef Fernando Sanchez Gonzales of Barbacana Restaurante & Tapas Bar near Madrid, has worked extensively in fine restaurants throughout Spain and has been invited to New Orleans to work with Lola’s staff to infuse some new spice into their current menu.

The evening will feature:
• Tapas cooking demonstration
• A sampling of 10 prepared dishes
• A tasting of 7 wines paired and provided by Swirl
• Lola’s fabulous Sangria

Angel and Fernando have put together an incredible menu for this evening:

Starters: Lola's Sangria and Tortilla de Patata

  • Endivias con Queso Azul y Nueces paired with Avinyo Brut Cava
  • Croquetas de Cangrejo paired with 2008 Gurrutxaga Txakolina, Txakoli
  • Ensalata de Verduras con Vinagreta de Cafe paired with 2009 Gaciarevalo Casamaro Blanco, Rueda
  • Vieras con Doble Crema de Puerros paired with 2009 Vina Mein, Ribeiro
Cleanse your palate: Chupitos de Crema de Gazpacho de Fresas
  • Carpaccio de Atun Rojo con Vinagreta de Wasabi paired with 2009 Joan D'Anguera Garnaxta, Monsant
  • Bacalao Riojana paired with 2008 Arbanta Rioja
  • Albondigas de Cordero paired with 2009 Mas Martinet Menut Priorato
And finish with dessert: Leche Frita

Wednesday, June 9, 7 to 9pm, $40 per person, reservations and prepayment are required as attendance is limited to 40 people. Please call 504.304.0635 to reserve your spot.

Tapas Tuesdays, Back by Popular Demand!!

Beth Ribblett

Tapas Tuesday, Tuesday May 25th 6 to 8pm

Back by popular demand! Geoff Worden from Wines Unlimited will present our annual tasting of wines from the Jorge Ordonez portfolio including the highly rated, award winning Bodegas El Nido Clio (94pts). And recently back from a trip to Spain, Chef Dan Esses is inspired to create new traditional tapas dishes to pair with the wines. $24 includes a tasting of 5 wines paired with 5 tapas courses.

Check out Chef Dan's menu and wine pairings:

Albondigas- meatballs with dried cherries simmered in port wine
paired with 2007 Bodegas El Nido Clio (RP 94pts)

Bacon wrapped dates stuffed with Spanish blue cheese
paired with 2008 Bodegas Nekeas El Chaparral Old Vine Garnacha (ST 90pts)

Chorizo and potato croquettas
paired with 2007 Bodegas Atalaya Almansa (RP 91pts)

Guava, manchego and serrano wrapped in basil leaf
paired with Marques de Gelida Cava (RP 90pts)

Melted Spanish goat cheese topped with smoked paprika marinated roasted peppers
paired with Vega Sindoa Viura/Chardonnay

What a deal! $24 per person, reservations and prepayment are required as attendance is limited to 40 people. Please call 504.304.0635 to reserve your spot.